Fondation du Musée des Enfants auprès du Centre Paul Klee (FME)

Schwarzweiss Fotografie von Janine Aebi-Müller und ihrem Vater, Maurice Müller

Teaching and learning as a transformative force in our society

The establishment of the Fondation du Musée des Enfants auprès du Centre Paul Klee was just as much a part of Maurice E. Müller's vision as the realization of the avant-garde multi-disciplinary building, the Zentrum Paul Klee culture, music and congress center.

Teaching and learning meant everything to Maurice E. Müller, probably the most important pioneer in orthopaedic surgery of the 20th century. He wanted to create a pedagogically and didactically valuable place for the transfer of knowledge, where a new dimension of art education could unfold.

With its inspiring offerings, Creavia contributes to the promotion of aesthetic education. Education is central to our lives, as it enables us to grow up to be independent thinkers, actors and judges.

On June 10, 2002, Maurice E. Müller and his daughter Janine Aebi-Müller founded the Fondation du Musée des Enfants auprès du Centre Paul Klee. Creaviva is integrated into the Zentrum Paul Klee as an independent organizational unit. Creaviva is managed by the FME, which is chaired by Janine Aebi-Müller. The collaboration between Creaviva and Zentrum Paul Klee is mutually beneficial.

Board of Trustees

Fondation du Musée des Enfants auprès du Centre Paul Klee

  • Janine Aebi-Müller

  • Ulrich Hofmann

  • Corinne Mariéthoz-Aebi

    Ueli Winzenried

    Andreas Fiedler

Art does not reproduce the visible, but makes visible.

Paul Klee

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