Vacation courses

Mit Aquarellfarbe gemalte Palmen auf bunten Streifen

Creative vacations in the studio: almost as beautiful as by the sea

In the vacation course A little bit of art every day, children aged 7 to 12 experience an exciting journey through the world of contemporary art and culture. The themes are based on the current exhibitions at the Zentrum Paul Klee. Encounters with originals form the artistic framework for their own creative expression.

The CreaTiv! art and media workshop helps young people aged 12 to 15 to find the right answers in the jungle of digital media. In the four-day course, participants let off steam creatively and transfer their own ideas into images and sound. They learn useful tricks for audio and video editing, experiment with analog animation techniques and get to know cool apps.

Exciting topics, interesting techniques and a cheerful vacation community of young artists make the vacation days a special experience.

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