Open Studio

Gestaltetes Kunstwerk aus unterschiedlich grossen Punkten in Lila, Rot, Blau, Grün und Orange.

An hour of art: Every day, we artistically implement the monthly changing themes and techniques of the current exhibitions in the studio. 

If you enjoy creating in an inspiring environment, the Open Studio is the right place for you. Several times a day, our art mediators accompany you on your way to creating a personal, unique work of art. The themes and techniques provide a practical approach to the art on display through independent creation. Our art educators speak German, English and French.

Tuesday to Friday at 14:00 / 16:00
Saturday & Sunday at 12:00 / 14:00 / 16:00
Duration: 1 hour 
Meeting point: Studio 1 
People with ID category S, N and F can attend free of charge

For children from 4 years, teenagers, adults and the whole family, up to 8 years accompanied by an adult

Current topic

  • Auf schwarz bemaltem Zeitungspapier, dass an einigen Stellen ausgespart ist, sind farbige Abdrücke einer Modulor-Figur zu sehen

    Figure in motion

    In February unconventional figures move around and leave colourful impressions on our newsprint. Which movement will come next?

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Upcoming events

Upcoming topic

  • In einer weissen Schachtel, die auf Holzstücken steht, sind mehrere bemalte Folien drappiert. Es scheint, als würde man durch ein langes Fenster schauen.

    Long window

    In March we recognise motifs, catch situations and assemble our long window in the box. How do we like the new view?

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  • Auf einem grün und gelb gespachtelten Malgrund ist in der rechten Bildseite eine rosafarbene Spinne mit bunten Kreise

    My rainforest

    In January we apply our rainforest to the painting surface in various shades of green using a coloured palette knife. Well camouflaged, the various animals hide behind large, broad leaves and in the branches.

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  • Eine modellierte Skulptur aus verschiedenen Formen

    Angel Sculpture

    What does our own heavenly angelic creature look like? In December, we will be modeling sculptures in the open studio, taking inspiration from the exhibition on Brazilian modernism at the Zentrum Paul Klee.

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  • Gestaltete Spiegelbilder in Grün- und Lachsfarben


    In November, we will take the Brazilian artist Rubem Valentim as our model and create our own mirror works in the open studio based on the exhibition at the Zentrum Paul Klee.

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  • Kleine bunt gestaltete Häuser reihen sich auf einen Hang.

    Colorful City

    In October, we will be designing colorful cities in the open studio, taking our cue from the exhibition on Brazilian modernism at the Zentrum Paul Klee.

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  • Aus schwarzem und weissem Papier gefaltetes, dreidimensionales Kunstwerk

    Folding Art

    In September, we will be combining contrasting individual pieces to create our own complete work of art in the Open Studio, inspired by the art of Brazilian Modernism.

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  • Bunt eingefärbte Rechtecke und kleine, schwarze Akzente hinter einem grünen Netz

    Open color window

    One is yellow, the other green and there is also a blue one: In August, we will be catching designed cardboard pieces in the net in the open studio. Based on the art of Sarah Morris.

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  • Ein blauer Malgrund. Darauf sind weisse und rötliche Punkte gesetzt, sowie ein grosser, gelber Punkt. Rote Linien liegen dynamisch darüber. Wie ein Himmelszelt

    A piece of heaven

    In July, we pool our creativity and draw red lines in the big, dark sky.

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  • Geometrische Formen in Hellblau, Gelb, Grün und Rot.


    In June we lay out geometric shapes, rearrange them and experiment with the composition of the picture.

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  • Ein Kunstwerk in Pastellfarben. Darüber ist ein Netz aus schwarzen, feinen Linien gestaltet


    We want to think with our fingers, create a net and capture the colors of the month of May in it.

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  • Auf einen lilafarbenen Malgrund aus Karton sind bunte Punkte arrangiert


    A dot rarely comes alone! We color our painting ground, punch out cheeky dots and arrange them into our own April game board. Which game will you invent and design?

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  • Ein eigenes, abstrakt gestaltetes Bühnenstück

    Raise the curtain!

    In March, countless stories lie hidden behind a curtain. We use scratched shapes to accentuate the dramaturgy and entice our imagination. What story are you telling?

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  • Farbenfroh gemaltes Gemüse lustig auf dunkelblauem Malgrund arrangiert

    Small cosmos

    A brightly colored sheet of paper wants to show its moods in February, create eye-catching figures and constantly come up with new ideas. A little world of its own, an exuberant cosmos, springs from this one sheet of paper. To marvel at!

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  • Skurrile Kollage mit einem menschlichen Körper, der ein Schafkopf hat. Das Wesen lehnt auf einem Hocker, auf dem ein Pilz wächst

    Connecting strangers

    In black and white, we play a game of contrasts in January that intuitively changes our motif. The surface invites us to connect the unknown, to overcome the unfamiliar and to invent new contacts in rich detail. What remains, what disappears?

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